Comments on: Is there a retail resurgence in Wynnum? Not just a station, a destination... Sun, 01 Apr 2018 11:13:21 +0000 hourly 1 By: Brett Nagel Sun, 29 Nov 2015 23:35:10 +0000 In reply to jason.

Hi Jason
Love Japanese cuisine so for me YES!


By: jason Sun, 29 Nov 2015 02:12:10 +0000 Any one think a sushi shop in the Wynnum central area?
Kind regards

By: Brett Nagel Fri, 27 Nov 2015 00:15:35 +0000 In reply to Ann Wilson.

Hi Ann

Just curious but what are real retail outlets? One only need to look at the cranes on the horizon to get a sense of the new development underway which many of us hope will encourage broader diversity in retail stores. I reckon if you really looked you’d be surprised what you find in Wynnum Central and surrounds.

What retail shops would you like to see?

What would seniors like more of during the week?

Please drop into newsXpress Wynnum anytime and browse our store for xmas gift might get a surprise.

Kind Regards

By: Ann Wilson Thu, 26 Nov 2015 10:36:52 +0000 I Haven’t noticed any revival unless you count new coffee shops – still no real retail outlets, and why don’t we
advertise our sports areas more strongly.? We have tennis, croquet, bowls and golf plus Kitchener Park for junior
rugby but so far I can see! no. one promotes these. Why?
We have plenty of banks, hairdressers, secondhand shops and chemists but not much else. Maybe when all the new
building is complete and we have more residents, we will finally see more retail shops !!!!
Also, please don’t forget our beautiful bay side. Only seems to be busy at weekends and schools holidays.
We have many seniors in the Wynnum areA – do we cater for them during the week
