Comments on: Hypnosis – not just about getting people to behave like chooks Not just a station, a destination... Tue, 26 Jun 2018 07:17:09 +0000 hourly 1 By: Patricia Devlin Wed, 02 May 2018 03:04:06 +0000 Hello, I was reading your article today in the Wynnum Herald concerning a survey on what businesses the residents of Wynnum and surrounding areas would like. I think this is an excellent idea and it would assist with obtaining the right mix of retail outlets for all.
I would like to see an area where the kids could go, say a Laser Zone or Golf Put Put which could be housed in the old building which contained the IGA recently. We could also have a Spotlight, Best & Less or even Target.
We need to bring the vibrancy back to Wynnum Central as more and more apartments are being built here.
Wynnum has so much going for it. Cinemas coming, Skate Park, Port Lytton and hopefully more.
Please let us get this suburb into a place to visit when more tourists come to Brisbane. It needs to be a little like Redcliffe or perhaps Sandgate?
We could even push for another DFO perhaps?
