Comments on: One in five shops in Wynnum Central now empty Not just a station, a destination... Sun, 21 Oct 2018 02:04:54 +0000 hourly 1 By: Ann Wilson Fri, 14 Sep 2018 21:48:48 +0000 I wrote to Peter Cumming recently expressing my views on revitalising Wynnum. Have received an acknowledgement of receipt. Bay Terrace will never be a super street until we get rid of the opp shops. They are untidy and some are quite expensive. What we need is a store like BigW or Target with affordable clothes to attract customers. There are also,plane for 8 storey buildings on the bay side of the railway which were never in the original plans for Wynnum. We do not have the infrastructure or the desire for these buildings. We are not the Gold Coast and do not wish to be! Greedy landlords and the Plaza at Wynnum West have depleted Wynum Central. Do we have a ‘Thinktsnk’ group? Who are Wynnum Central? Please let us know!

By: Michelle Sat, 08 Sep 2018 21:58:44 +0000 Love these ideas Sam. I have mentioned a few times about a cinema & more important close off part of Edith st shopping precinct for walking & socialising only, have trees, benches, kids park etc. it worked in my home town. The saturday markets were fantastic.
Another problem is greedy tennants, i know of a few who have had to fold because of high rent, including IGA precinct.
Lets make people want to come to Wynnum, no more 2nd hand shops i do love 2nd hand shopping but 7 is alot, lets make wynnum beautiful Peter Cummings

By: Michelle Sat, 08 Sep 2018 21:57:26 +0000 i do enjoy 2nd hand shopping… i meant no more 2nd hand shops as 7 is enough. I noticed how expensive salvos has gone in last few years, yest went to get pillows $17 tontine, under $10 at kmart… & i give them all my clothes etc.

By: Michelle Sat, 08 Sep 2018 21:53:08 +0000 In reply to Sam Lang.

Love these ides Sam. I have mentioned a few times about a conema & more important close off part of Edith st shopping precinct for walking & socialising only, have trees, benches, kids park etc. it worked in my home town. The saturday markets were fantastic.
Another problem is greedy tennants, i know of a few who have had to fold because of high rent, including IGA precinct.
Lets make people want to come to Wynnum, no more 2nd hand shops, lets make wynnum beautiful Peter Cummings

By: Sam Lang Sat, 08 Sep 2018 08:14:04 +0000 I’ve being saying for years. Bay Terrace could be another Oxford Street. Lots of different eateries, bars and a cinema! A Boost, an American Themed restaurant, a Guzman Y Gomez, Retro Game Parlour, Pancake Manor and street markets. Make it come alive with tastes, sounds and colour! There are plenty of people living in the area to make it a place to want to come to!
